Red Pumps for Honeymoon

Los tacones D'orsay han sido un componente integral de los guardarropas durante siglos. Se usaron detalles como los recortes del talón d'orsay para hacer que los zapatos de tacón resistentes fueran más interesantes. ¡Haz clic para elegir el que más te guste ahora mismo!

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  1. Color Red Eliminar este artículo
  2. Occasion Honeymoon Eliminar este artículo
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Heel Height (approx)
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Fijar Dirección Ascendente
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Fijar Dirección Ascendente

D’orsay features a style of pump with its one or both side cut out. A unique yet functional shape of its cut-out features is what makes ladies d’orsay really stand out. You’ll own women d’orsay for years to come.

Look Slim

Heeled D’orsay would be wore more slim and taller sometimes because of exposing the sides not so tight to wrap over the full foot. Try more different d’orsay to choose your favorite one such as flat d’orsay, block-heel d’orsay or high heel d’orsay

Wide Foot

D’orsay maybe is good suit for wide width foot’s of woman because cut-out side of d’orsay allows more room for wide foots in side.If you’re the wide-foot woman, don’t worry too tight to wear with the exposing sides cut-out.

Slip On

Ladies d’orsay feature on one side or both side cut out, easy slip-on&conveniently take off. D’orsay pumps always come with ankle strap d’orsay or classic style-never go out of style.